Search results

There were 18 matching entries.

BritivendaBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
CunovendusBinchester, County DurhamNRC of fourth centuryTile
CunovendusLeicesterAD 150-250 (based on lettering - Old Roman Cursive)Lead sheet
Cunovindus / Cunovendu[s]Northumberland ?Slab of sandstone
CunovinnaUley, Gloucestershirec. AD 175–275Lead sheet
VendicinaLeicesterAD 150-250 (based on lettering - Old Roman Cursive)Lead sheet
VindaBrougham, CumbriaTombstone
Vinda[...Papcastle, CUmbriapre-Antoninestone
VindaciusKenchester, HerefordshireOculist's stamp
VindalicusCorbridge, NorthumberlandStamp [AN]DEGENI dated c. AD 150–180Samian ware
VindicianusEastness, North YorkshireFCStone coffin
VindicianusRavenscar, North YorkshireSandstone slab
VindicianusOld Penrith, CumbriaDMTombstone
VindilusDoncaster, South YorkshireSecond century mortariumMortarium
VindiorixBath, SomersetTin disc
VindissusNewstead, RoxburghshireFlavian contextIron tool
VindomorucusDrumburgh, CumbriaBuilding-stone
[….]vendiBath, SomersetAlloy sheet

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Notes: To specify BC dates, use a minus prefix (e.g. -50 for 50 BC). In the Name or Name Element fields, adding a hypen (e.g. "uo-") searches initially only.