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There were 37 matching entries.

Aeđi(c?)?Late first century BC to early first century ADCoin
BelicianusHousesteads, NorthumberlandVessel late second/early third centuryCoarse pottery
BelismicusCaerleon, GwentOolite slab
BellicianusChester, CheshireDis M(anibus)Rectangular tombstone
BellicianusCaerwent, GwentBrick
BellicusCarrawburgh, NorthumberlandVSLMAltar
BellicusBinchester, County DurhamNRC of fourth centuryTile
BellicusLondonWriting tablet
BellicusMichaelchurch, HerefordshireSandstone altar
BellicusChester, CheshireDMRectangular tombstone
BillicaBillericay, EssexSamian ware
Billicu[s]Bloomberg excavations, LondonAD 65-80wood
BodicaciaCirencester, GloucestershireNo dating information providedstone
BodicaciaCirencester, GloucestershireNo dating information providedstone
Boudiccac. AD 60
Caraticu[s]Richborough, KentSamian ware
CommicoHenlow Park, BedforshireSamian ware
CongennicusSouth Shields, Tyne and WearVSLMAltar
Coro[ti]caCaerleon, GwentTombstone
CoroticaWest Kington, WiltshireVSLMLimestone altar
CuniciusBarnardiston, Suffolkcopper-alloy
EnicaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
EpaticcusLate first century BC to early first century ADCoin
EpillicusLondonWooden writing-tablet
EsicoLate first century BC to early first century ADCoin
IcotasgusLeicester, LeicestershirePotter active AD 130–60Mortarium
LousicoHenlow Park, BedforshireSamian ware
MicicoVindolanda, NorthumberlandSamian ware
RiticiTower Hamlets, Greater LondonCoarse pottery
[Se]necianusCaerleon, GwentFCOolitic tombstone
TrenicoAncaster, LincolnshireLimestone slab
VendicinaLeicesterAD 150-250 (based on lettering - Old Roman Cursive)Lead sheet
VericaEarly first century ADCoin
Vericac. AD 42
VernicoCastlethorpe, BuckinghamshireIn urn with coins of AD 138–169Bracelet
VindalicusCorbridge, NorthumberlandStamp [AN]DEGENI dated c. AD 150–180Samian ware
[…]catu[…]Corbridge, NorthumberlandAmphora

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Notes: To specify BC dates, use a minus prefix (e.g. -50 for 50 BC). In the Name or Name Element fields, adding a hypen (e.g. "uo-") searches initially only.