Search results

There were 8 matching entries.

AdminiusAD 39–40
Atcivio[s]Colchester, Essex?AD 43–60Brooch
AteciuThruxton, Hampshire?AD 43–60Copper-alloy brooch
AtgiviosWroxeter, Shropshire?AD 43–60Brooch
AtignomarusBloomberg excavations, LondonAD 65-80wood
Atined[East Farleigh, Kent3rd centuryLead sheet
AtrectusVindolanda, Northumberlandc. AD 92–115Writing tablet
[Atr]ectu[s]East Farleigh, Kent3rd centuryLead sheet

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Notes: To specify BC dates, use a minus prefix (e.g. -50 for 50 BC). In the Name or Name Element fields, adding a hypen (e.g. "uo-") searches initially only.