Search results

There were 63 matching entries.

[.]eocorotisBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
AesibuasBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
AessicuniaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
[A]launaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
AustusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
BelatorBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
Br<p>ituendaBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
BritivendaBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
BruceriBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
CatiniusBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
CatusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
CunitiusBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
CunomoltusBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
CunsaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
CunsusBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
DoccaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
DocigeniusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
Doci[medisBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
DocimedisBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
DocimedisBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
EnicaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
Exsib[uusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
ExsibuusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
LocinnaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
LoverniscaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
LucianusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
MallianusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
Mantuten(a)eBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
MattoniusBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
Medol[…]Bath, SomersetAlloy sheet
Methianu(s)Bath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
MinianusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
MiniciBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
Minoven[…]Bath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
MorivassusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
OconeaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
PaltuccaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
PetiacusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
PissoBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
RiovassusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
Sco[ti]usBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
SedebeliaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
SediacusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
Seni<i>laBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
SenianusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
SenicianusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
SenicianusBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
SenicioBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
SenovaraBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
SolinusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
TitumusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
TotiaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
Trinnus /iusBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
UricalusBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
ValaunecusBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
VelorigaBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
VelvalisBath, Somersetc. AD 175–275Alloy sheet
VelvinnaBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
VendibedisBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
VenibeliaBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
VerianusBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
[….]vendiBath, SomersetAlloy sheet
[…]beliaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet

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Notes: To specify BC dates, use a minus prefix (e.g. -50 for 50 BC). In the Name or Name Element fields, adding a hypen (e.g. "uo-") searches initially only.