Name: Vindalicus

Print refRIB II 2501.617 (list of abbreviations)
MaterialSamian ware
LocationCorbridge, Northumberland
Population group
RegionHadrian's Wall
DateStamp [AN]DEGENI dated c. AD 150–180
General notesT(urma) Vindalici Eptacent[i] (Eptacent[i] may be Thracian)
Name typeDuo nomina
Element 1uindo- 'white, bright': DLG 320-1; KGP 295-6; AILR; Ptol.; CIB 166; MKPA 250-6; SAOI 119; ACP-N 123-4; OPEL iv.153, 171-2 (abbreviations)
Element 2
Suffix -iko- : Celtic or Latin suffix: LG I 336-8 (abbreviations)
Occurs elsewhere in Roman Empire?Uncertain, cf. Vindelicius