Name: Vindicianus
Name | Vindicianus |
Print ref | RIB I 721 (list of abbreviations) |
Source | epigraphic |
Material | Sandstone slab |
Location | Ravenscar, North Yorkshire |
Population group | |
Region | Northern counties |
Date | |
General notes | Vindicianus magister. Dedication of tower and fort |
Name type | Single |
Gender | m |
Element 1 | uindo- 'white, bright': DLG 320-1; KGP 295-6; AILR; Ptol.; CIB 166; MKPA 250-6; SAOI 119; ACP-N 123-4; OPEL iv.153, 171-2 (abbreviations) |
Element 2 | -i:ko- |
Suffix | -a:no- : Latin suffix: LG I 324-5 (abbreviations) |
Occurs elsewhere in Roman Empire? | No |