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There were 31 matching entries.

AessicuniaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
CundacusEast Farleigh, Kent3rd centuryLead sheet
CunedecanesLeintwardine, HerefordshireFourth-century contextLead sheet
CunicatusCaerleon, GwentCoarse pottery
CuniciusBarnardiston, Suffolkcopper-alloy
CunitiusBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
CunittusLeintwardine, HerefordshireFourth-century contextLead sheet
CunitusHenhull, CheshireLead vessel
Cuni[…]Winchester, HampshireLate third or fourth-century contextCoarse pottery
CunoaritusEast Farleigh, Kent3rd centuryLead sheet
CunoarusChesterton, Cambridgeshire?mortarium stamp
CunobachaMoulton, N. Yorksstone
CunobarrusCaistor, Lincolnshirepossibly 4th c.lead tank
CunobelinosAD 43
CunobelinusLate first century BC to early first century ADCoin
Cunol[…]vaSt. Albans, HertfordshireLate third or fourth-century bowlCoarse pottery
CunominusKnapwell, Cambscopper-alloy
CunomoltusBath, SomersetSecond century?Alloy sheet
CunomorinusTowcester, NorthamptonshireThird centuryLead sheet
CunovendusBinchester, County DurhamNRC of fourth centuryTile
CunovendusLeicesterAD 150-250 (based on lettering - Old Roman Cursive)Lead sheet
Cunovindus / Cunovendu[s]Northumberland ?Slab of sandstone
CunovinnaUley, Gloucestershirec. AD 175–275Lead sheet
CunsaBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
CunsusBath, Somersetc. AD 275–400Alloy sheet
Cun[…]Bower Chalke, WiltshireCoarse pottery
Cun[…]Lincoln, LincolnshireCoarse pottery
KunarisChesterSamian dish
QunavoCamelon, StirlingshireSamian ware
TitocunaRatcliffe-on-Soar, NottinghamshireLead sheet
VerconusCarlisle, Cumbriac. AD 79–103/5Writing tablet

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Notes: To specify BC dates, use a minus prefix (e.g. -50 for 50 BC). In the Name or Name Element fields, adding a hypen (e.g. "uo-") searches initially only.