Name: Cundacus

Print refB 43 (2012), 402-3 (rev. B 47 (2016) 414-15) (list of abbreviations)
MaterialLead sheet
LocationEast Farleigh, Kent
Population group
RegionSouthern Counties
Date3rd century
General notesReading revised in B 47 (2016) 414-15. Second -c- may be a -g-, thus Cundagus (cf. *Cunodagus) (B 43 (2012), 402, n. 23).
Name typeSingle
Element 1kuno- 'hound': DLG 132; KGP 186; CIB 156; AILR; Ptol.; MKPA 209-10; SAOI 110; OPEL ii.87; NPC 218 (abbreviations)
Element 2dago- 'good': DLG 134; GPN 188-9; KGP 186-7; OPEL ii.91; NPC 218 (abbreviations)
Occurs elsewhere in Roman Empire?No