3 matches found. Entries grouped by DIL headword. Click the version code to see the entry in context, or the manuscript reference to see the manuscript image (where available). Note that headwords only are currently available for transcriptions of H¹a, H¹b, K: see Y (closely related) for text in those cases.
Text | Version/Ref | Reading | MS ref |
Sanas Cormaic | B.390 | Gam ab eo quod est gamos grece unde etiam grece mulier nominatur .i. bean, unde bigamus uel trigamus dicitur. | p. 267b |
Sanas Cormaic | M.383 | Gam ab eo quod est gamos isin greic .i. nouember unde etiam mulieres ducunt imgamon 7 | fol. 180rb |
Sanas Cormaic | Y.672 | Gam quasi gamos isin greic, nouimber, unde (u)eteri mulieres ducunt .i. mi gam on. | col. 43 |