
December Cambridge: final conference on ‘The 12th Century Rise of Fiction’
July Project session at the 2023 IMC Leeds
17 March 5 pm – Arezzo, Accademia Petrarca: F. Marzella, lecture on ‘La letteratura arturiana delle origini’
28 March 5 pm – London, Il Circolo: F. Marzella, book launch of Excalibur. La spada nella roccia tra mito e storia
24 February 5 pm – ASNC Research Seminar: F. Marzella, paper on ‘Love, Nature, Prophecy: the Latin Sources of Vita Merlini
Launch of this website!
October Book launch of Excalibur. La spada nella roccia tra mito e storia in Rome
September Book launch of Excalibur. La spada nella roccia tra mito e storia in Giovinazzo and Chiusdino (Italy)
July Book launch of Excalibur. La spada nella roccia tra mito e storia in Ceccano, (Italy)
May Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, ‘Riscritture poetiche nell’Occidente latina tra tarda antichità e medioevo’ (conference): F. Marzella, paper on ‘Isidore of Seville and the Wisdom of Gildas’
April University of Cambridge, Cambridge Festival: F. Marzella, talk on ‘Into the Wild: Merlin in the Caledonian Forest’
March Book launch of Excalibur. La spada nella roccia tra mito e storia in L’Aquila (Italy)
May S.I.S.M.E.L. (Florence): Francesco Marzella, lecture seminar on ‘Geoffrey of Monmouth’
December Medieval Manuscripts Seminar, London: Francesco Marzella, paper on ‘The Manuscript Tradition of the Vita Merlini