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Sanas Cormaic (longer version)
Sanas Cormaic (shorter version)
Dúil Dromma Cetta
O’Mulconry’s Glossary

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8 matches found. Entries grouped by DIL headword. Click the version code to see the entry in context, or the manuscript reference to see the manuscript image (where available). Note that headwords only are currently available for transcriptions of H¹a, H¹b, K: see Y (closely related) for text in those cases.


TextVersion/RefReadingMS ref
Dúil Dromma CettaD1.89 Bamach .i. sindach. p. 65a
Dúil Dromma CettaD2.46 Bamach .i. sinnach. p. 633b


TextVersion/RefReadingMS ref
Sanas CormaicYAdd.1060 Putte a putteo .i. cuthe, ut dicitur pit a puteo .i. brenaim. inde dicitur putar .i. brenta. inde dicitur putidus .i. sindach. col. 76


TextVersion/RefReadingMS ref
LomanLoman.172 Sindach .i. sen-nech .i. neach as sine do conaib e .i. ar fat a rée. p. 78c
Sanas CormaicH1a.1135 sindach [...] p. 37a
Sanas CormaicH1b.1227 sinnach [...] p. 100a
Sanas CormaicK.1200 sindach [...] p. 37a
Sanas CormaicYAdd.1191 Sinnach .i. sen-nech .i. nech is sine do chonuib é ar fot a ree. col. 82
* Asterisks after headwords indicate they are not in DIL; "cmpd" indicates they are found under compound section of headword.