Dr Francesca Tinti

Honorary Research Associate

Contact Information

Department of ASNC
9 West Road,
Cambridge CB3 9DP








Email: francesca.tinti@ehu.es

Academic Interests

Francesca Tinti graduated at Bologna in 1995 and obtained her Ph.D. in History of the Medieval Church at the University of Padua in the year 2000. From 2000 to 2005 she worked in the ASNC Department as Research Associate for the ‘Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England’ Project. She then moved back to the University of Bologna where she taught English Medieval History and started a new research project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Higher Education, on relations between England and Italy in the Early Middle Ages. In 2009 she took up a permanent position as Ikerbasque Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country (Spain). As well as prosopography, her research interests include early medieval religious history and pastoral care. She has published in particular on the church of Worcester and on the earliest English cartularies, which were produced at Worcester in the eleventh century. More recently her publications have focussed on the relations between Anglo-Saxon England and the papacy, paying special attention to the delivery of the archiepiscopal pallium and the origins of Peter’s pence.

Selected Publications

  • 'The reuse of charters at Worcester between the eighth and the eleventh century: a case-study', Midland History, 37.2 (2012), 127-41.
  • 'Personal names in the composition and transmission of Bede's prose Vita S. Cuthberti', Anglo-Saxon England, 40 (2011), 15-42.
  • ‘England and the papacy in the tenth century’, in England and the Continent in the Tenth Century. Studies in Honour of Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947), edited by D. Rollason, C. Leyser and H. Williams (Turnhout, 2010), 163-184.
  • Sustaining Belief. The  Church of Worcester from c.870 to c.1100 (Farnham, 2010).
  • Si litterali memori? commendaretur: memory and cartularies in eleventh-century Worcester’, in Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald, edited by S. Baxter, C.E. Karkov, J.L. Nelson and D. Pelteret (Ashgate, 2009), 475-97.
  • ‘The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England: Facts and Factoids’, in Prosopography: Approaches and Applications. A Handbook, edited by K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, Prosopographica et Genealogica 13 (Oxford, 2007), 197-209.
  • (with Janet L. Nelson) ‘The aims and objects of the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England: 1066 and all that?’, in Name und Gesellschaft im Frühmittelalter. Personennamen als Indikatoren für sprachliche, ethnische, soziale und kulturelle Gruppenzugehörigkeiten ihrer Träger (Deutsche Namenforschung auf sprachgeschichtlicher Grundlage 2), edited by Dieter Geuenich and Ingo Runde (Hildesheim, Zürich and New York 2006), 241-58.
  • The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England , edited by J.L. Nelson, S.D. Keynes, D. Pelteret, F. Tinti e A. Burghart, http://www.pase.ac.uk.
  • Pastoral Care in Late Anglo-Saxon England , edited by F. Tinti, (Woodbridge, 2005).
  • ‘The “costs” of pastoral care: Church dues in late Anglo-Saxon England’, in Pastoral Care in Late Anglo-Saxon England, edited by. F. Tinti, (Woodbridge, 2005), 27-51.
  • ‘Dal church-scot alla decima: Origine, natura e sviluppo dei tributi ecclesiastici nell'Inghilterra altomedievale’, Studi Medievali, s. 3, XLIV, n. 1 (2003), 219-51.
  • ‘Le comunità delle cattedrali inglesi dei secoli X-XII nella recente storiografia’, Quaderni di Storia Religiosa, 10 (2003), 9-38.
  • ‘From episcopal conception to monastic compilation: Hemming’s Cartulary in context’, Early Medieval Europe, 11.3 (2002), 233-261.
  • ‘The Anonymous Life of St. Cuthbert and the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England database: An exercise in data capturing, Medieval Prosopography, 22 (2001), 127-40.
  • ‘Tra monasteria e minsters. Il dibattito storiografico sulle origini dell’organizzazione ecclesiastica inglese’, Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, 36 (2000), 495-522.