Dr Margo Griffin-Wilson

Teaching Associate in Modern Irish

Contact Information

Department of ASNC
Faculty of English
9 West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DP
E-mail mg597@cam.ac.uk

Departmental and College Responsibilities

  • Organize Irish language cultural events.
  • Research in Irish Language and Literature (Early Modern and Classical Modern Irish verse)

Academic Interests

Early Modern and Modern Irish Language and Literature, Bardic Poetry, Old Irish Language and Literature

Selected Publications


  • The Wedding Poems of Dáibhí Ó Bruadair, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (Dublin 2010).


  • 'Cuimhní Cinn ar Chnocán an Phaoraigh', An Linn Bhuí: Iris Ghaeltacht na nDéise 26 (2022), 144-53.
  • ‘Pledge of Fidelity: The Writings of Dáibhí Ó Bruadair’, in David Bracken (ed.), Of Limerick Saints and Seekers (Dublin 2022), 95-99. 
  • ‘Pauline’, An Linn Bhuí: Iris Ghaeltacht na nDéise 25 (2021), 1-19.
  • ‘Fear Feasa Ó’n Cháinte’s Petition for Reconciliation’, in Caoimhín Breatnach, Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail, Gordon Ó Riain (eds.), Lorg na Leabhar: A Festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach (Dublin 2019) 235-69.
  • ‘Tipperary to Worcester: Gleaning from the O’Flynn Papers’, Tipperary Historical Journal (2019), 13-35.
  • ʽA crosántacht composed for Dáibhídh de Barra († 10 April 1617)ʼ, Celtica 29 (2017) 135-98.
  • ‘St. Patrick and Anteus: two bardic apologuesʼ, in Sacred Histories, a Festschrift for Máire Herbert  (eds. John Carey, Kevin Murray & Caitriona Ó Dochartaigh, Dublin 2015) 161-74.
  • ʽZegening van patroon en erfgoed in Teallach Coisreagtha Críoch Bharrachʼ, in Kelten: Mededeling van de Stichting A.G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies 57 (Utrecht 2013) 5-9.
  • ‘From Waterford to Worcester: Records from a Massachusetts Archiveʼ, Decies: Journal of the Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society, no. 67 (2011) 63-86.
  • ‘Kilkenny and Queen’s County people in a Massachusetts Archiveʼ. Miscellanea 4. Ossory, Laois and Leinster 4 (2010) 236-43.
  • ‘Ó Bruadair, Dáibhidh (Dáibhí)’, Dictionary of Irish Biography, Vol. 7 (Royal Irish Academy and Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2009) 103-07.
  • ‘Bedding and Blessing in an Irish Wedding Crosántacht’, Éigse 36 (2008) 145-68.
  • ‘Mythical and Local Landscapes: Dáibhí Ó Bruadair’s Iomdha sgéimh ar chur na cluana’, Celtica 25 (2007) 40-60. 
  • ‘The poem as performance: Cuirfead cluain ar chrobhaing ghealGhall’, in Dáibhí Ó Bruadair: his historical and literary context (ed. Pádraigín Riggs, Irish Texts Society Subsidiary Series 11, Dublin 2002) 72-103.
  • Crosán’, in Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia (ed. John Koch, Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth 2006) 501-4.
  • ‘Dáibhí Ó Bruadair’, in Celtic Culture: a Historical Encyclopedia (ed. John Koch, Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth 2006) 1368-70.
  • Cluain and Cluanaire, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, IX (1989) 11-30.
  • ‘Sidelights on History: the Book of Magauran and the Annals’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, II (1982) 75-87.


  • Féilscríbhinn do Chathal Ó Háinle, ed. Eoin Mac Cárthaigh agus Jürgen Uhlich (Indreabhán 2012), 1071 pages, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. Vol. 66 (2019),
    pp. 221-47 (review of 40 articles written in Irish, 2 in Scottish Gaelic).
  • The Edinburgh Companion to the Gaelic Language. Edited by Moray Watson and Michelle MacLeod (Edinburgh 2010), Journal of Scottish Name Studies 7 (2013) 79-84.
  • Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn: His Historical and Literary Context. Edited by Pádraigín Riggs, Irish Texts Society Subsidiary Series, 21 (2010), Béaloideas: Iris an Chumainn le Béaloideas Éireann 80 (Dublin 2012) 234-39.
  • Gaelic Ireland: Land, lordship and settlement c. 1250 - c. 1650. Edited by Patrick J. Duffy, David Edwards & Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (Four Courts Press: Dublin 2001), Celtica 25 (2007) 262-70.