Opportunities for Further Study and Resources
Opportunities for Further Study
There are a variety of resources available to students who wish to study the language further in their own time, including:
- the Icelandic Online courses
- a month-long summer course in Iceland
- or a degree in Icelandic as a Second Language at the University of Iceland.
- Auður Einarsdóttir, Guðrún Theodórsdóttir, MarĂa Garðarsdóttir & Sigríður Þorvaldsdóttir: Learning Icelandic + Audio CD (a good introduction to speaking Icelandic, useful for private study)
- Guðrún Theodórsdóttir: Learning Icelandic Grammar Exercises + key (to be used with the Learning Icelandic textbook)
- Daisy L. Neijmann: Colloquial Icelandic: The Complete Course for Beginners + CD/cassettes (more ambitious than Learning Icelandic, good for private study)
- Jón Gíslason og Sigríður Dagný Þorvaldsdóttir: Málnotkun (instructions in Icelandic, not recommended for private study)
- Stefán Einarsson: Icelandic: Grammar, Texts, Glossary (very old-fashioned but still the most in-depth introduction to the language)
- M.E. Kentta, Gabriele Stautner and Sigurdur A. Magnusson: Svona er Ísland í dag: This is Iceland Today (a collection of reading texts with translations at the back of the book)
Carry on Icelandic: A language course on CD-Rom
- Sverrir Hólmarsson, Sanders and Tucker: Íslensk-ensk orðabók
- Jón Skaptason et al.: Ensk-íslensk skólaorðabók
Online Courses
- Icelandic state broadcasting (television and radio): www.ruv.is
- Morgunblaðið newspaper: www.mbl.is
- Fréttablaðið newspaper: http://visir.is
- Dagblaðið newspaper: http://www.dv.is/
- Pressan: http://www.pressan.is/
- Eyjan: http://eyjan.is
- Miðjan: http://midjan.is/
- English language news: www.grapevine.is
If not available from Cambridge bookshops or Amazon, many of the above can be ordered from the University Bookshop in Iceland.