The Courses and Timetable
Lent Term 2025
The courses are taught by Oddur Snorrason, with the first classes on Wednesday, 29 January 2025.
Both courses consist of one 50 minute session per week. There is no need to register for these classes, just turn up to one of the first sessions and away you go!
Course material for each class will be found on the Moodle site of the Modern Icelandic course, where students can self-enrol.
Beginners' Icelandic Classes
The beginners classes aim to introduce students to the grammar and pronunciation of Modern Icelandic and to equip them to speak and understand the language used in a variety of common situations. A small amount of non-compulsory homework is given each week to consolidate learning, and reading texts or additional exercises can be provided on request.
The course is recommended as a good grounding for those who wish to apply for the month-long summer course held every year in Iceland.
- The beginners course comprises 16 classes (8 classes in Michaelmas Term; and 8 in Lent Term). Students are expected to ideally attend all classes throughout the year.
- In 2024-25, classes will meet once a week. In Lent term this will be on Wednesdays at 3pm in Lecture Block Room 10.
Intermediate Icelandic Classes
The intermediate class is for those who have completed the beginners Icelandic course or who already have some knowledge of the language. The aim is to consolidate and add to the grammar and vocabulary that the students have already learnt, as well as improving their comprehension and speaking by reading and discussing suitable texts. Again, non-compulsory homework will be set each week for those who wish to consolidate their learning, and further materials can be provided on request.
This course is recommended for students who have taken the summer course in Iceland and wish to continue with their studies.
- The intermediate course comprises 16 classes (8 classes in Michaelmas Term; and 8 in Lent Term). Students are expected to ideally attend all classes throughout the year.
- In 2024-25, classes will meet once a week. In Lent term this will be on Wednesdays as follows:
- Week 1, 5pm in GR06/07
- Weeks 2-4, 1pm in GR05
- Weeks 5-8, 1pm in SR14
For any queries, please email Mr Oddur Snorrason at