The Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic

The Department of ASNC is a department within the (much larger) Faculty of English. The Department is located in the English Faculty building at 9 West Road and occupies the south corridor on the second floor. The Departmental Secretary and each of the Teaching Officers has an office, and the Department also boasts its own Common Room, which is used for socialising, meetings, and a small amount of teaching. The Faculty Building has been in use since September 2004, and was formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 8 June 2005.

A brief history of the department is available elsewhere on this site.

Members of the Department

Since the ASNC Department is relatively small, and wholly informal, you will soon get to know the members of the teaching staff.

When senior members of the Department are on leave, or when there is a temporary vacancy, teaching in the affected subjects will be in the very capable hands of others, as indicated in the Lecture List. You may ask for help and advice from any of those who are involved in the teaching programme. Arrangements for supervision should always be made with the knowledge and approval of your Director of Studies.

At any one time there may be about one hundred junior members of the Department, comprising about thirty graduate students and about seventy undergraduates (distributed between the three years). Some of the graduate students will be PhD students (involving at least three years of intensive research and writing), and others will be MPhil students (a one-year post-graduate course, also involving the production of a dissertation). In addition, there are often research officers working within the Department on major academic projects.

At any time there may also be some Academic Visitors (visiting academics taking advantage of a formal connection with the Department) and some Research Associates (visiting academics enjoying a period of research leave in Cambridge, and a loose association with us).