First of all - Welcome!
You will find on arrival in Cambridge that your college will do everything that it can to help you settle down in your new surroundings, and to organise your time in the few days before the beginning of lectures. During this time you will soon meet two persons who will be of special importance to you as a student: your Tutor, and your Director of Studies.
Your Tutor
In general, your Tutor will be a Fellow of your college, appointed to protect your interests, and to help you in all domestic (i.e. college) matters (college rooms, complaints about the food, book grants, travel grants, etc.).
Your Director of Studies (DoS)
Your DoS may be a Fellow of your college, or a Fellow of another college, and is appointed to look after your academic welfare. S/he will see you formally at the beginning and at the end of each term, and will assist you in making your choice of papers, in organising your supervisions, in checking your examination entries, and in planning your work during the course of the year. S/he will also discuss the reports submitted by a supervisor or supervisors towards the end of each term. Note, however, that the duties assigned to each officer may vary from one college to another, and that your Tutor also receives and will certainly wish to discuss your supervision reports.
Your friends and fellow ASNaCs
No less important, of course, will be your fellow students, whether in college or in the Department. You will soon make many new friends, some of whom may remain your friends for a lifetime. Friends in college and in the Department will be a useful source of support, advice, stimulation and encouragement on various aspects of your academic work. There is a vibrant, firendly and social atmosphere in the department, supported by the active and student-led ASNaC Society who run their own website and Facebook page "ASNC Society Social Group".
What first?
Shortly before the beginning of term you should receive an email telling you where and when your first course meeting is. You will 'hit the ground running' beginning with a 3 day induction which will equip you with all you need to know. To give yourself a head-start you should start thinking about what papers you wish to take in your first year.