Should you encounter any problems of an academic or personal nature in the course of your work, please rest assured that the Department would be determined to help you resolve them without delay. In dealing with the problems, you need to identify the right person to approach about them, and also to be as clear-sighted as possible about what the available ways of dealing with them are.
Your college will have notified you of its arrangements for dealing with problems that arise in a college context. If you experience any difficulties with your supervisor, you should raise the matter with your Tutor or with your Director of Studies.
Difficulties relating to Departmental teaching can be addressed in various ways. You may raise them directly with a senior member, or with the Head of Department (in person, or by e-mail). If they are not so pressing, you may prefer to draw attention to them anonymously on the questionnaires, or by approaching any member of the Joint Academic Committee. We hope that the small size of the Department will make you feel comfortable in raising anything with any one of the senior members.
Sexual and racial harassment
The University, the Department and the colleges all have formal procedures for dealing with sexual and racial harassment. Details on these procedures can be found via the Departmental and Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity pages.